5 Shameful Relationship Secrets You Can Only Learn From Professional Romance Scammers | #youtubescams | #lovescams | #datingscams

I’ve fallen down a dark path these past few weeks… no, it’s not the dark path of falling for some hunky love scammer online and losing all my money on the shrine of unrequited love.

It’s the dark path of watching countless YouTube videos about the subject. Did I say watching? I meant binging. I think I might have exhausted YouTube’s romance scam database.

And before you tell me it’s a trivial pursuit into drama and low morality, let me tell you I agree, but let me also tell you what I learned from it.

First, if you have no idea what a romance scammer is, here’s what the FBI says about it:

Romance scams occur when a criminal adopts a fake online identity to gain a victim’s affection and trust. The scammer then uses the illusion of a romantic or close relationship to manipulate and/or steal from the victim.

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There you have it. Romance scammers are both women and men, as are the victims. And the way they operate is incredibly similar. It’s almost as if they’re reading from a book.

Oh, wait a minute — they actually are reading from a book.

There is an actual manual that teaches you how to romance scam people and it is available on Amazon.

I won’t leave any links here because I don’t want to tickle your criminal bone, but I hope you are as shocked as I am.

What I can tell you is that if there is a guide on how to behave to get women and men you’ve never met or even seen to fall madly in love with you and blow through their life savings for you, it means there is also a guide to actually getting a real relationship with a loving partner.

One more confession: I read the romance scam guide.

And it’s nothing even remotely similar to what the fake Andrew Tate-type pick artist type would have you believe works to get women. In fact, Tate himself admittedly applied the same technique described in this guide to get women to fall in love with him and then used them as cam girls.

Click Here For The Original Source.

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