50 Times Old People Used Social Media And Provided The Internet With These Gems | #datingscams | #lovescams | #facebookscams

The internet is a confusing place. While we “tech-savvy kids” can’t imagine our lives without it, it’s nearly impossible to keep up with the constant changes online. And when it comes to people from the older generation, no wonder they feel a little out of their element when posting online. Except, of course, in instances when your grandma and grandpa simply must find the perfect rose-filled picture to wish you a happy birthday.

But hey, seniors try their best, and we love them for that! Especially when their efforts result in adorable situations when they get tripped up by text lingo, confuse a Google search with a Facebook post, and type out hilarious comments that leave us scratching our heads… and completely in stitches.

In fact, there’s something so wholesome about elderly people navigating the complex universe of the digital world that an entire Twitter account called ‘Old People Online’ is dedicated to their pearls of wisdom. Or, as the creators of the page describe, it’s just “old people doing old people things on the internet.” Below, we wrapped up some funny and charming examples from the page for you to enjoy. So continue scrolling to check them out, and don’t miss the chat we had about seniors and modern tech with Deborah S. Bowen, Ph.D.

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