Urgent warning for Android and iPhone ‘app attack’ that steals your money in minutes – $112million has vanished already | #lovescams | #datingapps

SMARTPHONE owners have been warned about a new type of scam that can steal their money. Criminals are using dating apps to weasel their way into people’s wallets via a so-called pig butchering scam, cybersecurity company NordVPN warned. 1 Smartphone owners have been warned about a new type of scamCredit: Getty WHAT’S…

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Billions of Android and iPhone owners given heart-stopping ‘grandparent’ warning – your bank could be emptied in seconds | #lovescams | #datingapps

SMARTPHONE owners have been warned about Grandparent scams that could steal all of their money. Scammers are preying on grandparents’ love for their grandchildren to steal their money, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) warned in a blog post. Scammers are preying on grandparents’ love for their grandchildren to steal their…

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Billions of iPhone and Android users warned by US government over simple ‘disappearing cash’ mistake – check your inbox | #lovescams | #datingapps

SMARTPHONE owners are being warned over dangerous texts and calls designed to steal your money. Online criminals are using sophisticated “money wire” cons to get you to hand over cash. Beware scammers contacting you via your smartphoneCredit: Unsplash Some online payments that you make can be easily retrieved if you’ve…

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Apple: Revised Sideloading bill would ‘undermine the privacy and security protections’ for iPhone users | #lovescams | #datingapps

By Juli Clover, MacRumors  Senator Amy Klobuchar last night introduced a revised version [PDF] of the American Choice and Innovation Act, as the U.S. government continues to work toward legislation that targets major tech companies and that would mandate sideloading on the iPhone. [Sideloading has been among the key issues in…

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