Worldwide Crackdown Operation Against Call Center Fraud And Online Scams Leads To The Arrest Of 2000 Suspects / Digital Information World | #datingscams | #lovescams

Law enforcement agencies from more than 76 different nations of the world recently united for one reason. And that was related to combating the growing issues of online scams and call center frauds.

According to new data from Interpol, the international crackdown operation was allotted the title, Mission First Light 2022. This global project’s fruitful results were announced today, proving how teamwork can bring the best results.

More than 2000 suspects were found guilty of conducting online scams or being involved with call center frauds. There were also some reports that went as far as revealing how schemes relating to online dating and romance were also another way through which these suspects were fooling people and minting people.

The mission began in March of this year and lasted until May. Here is where targeted people and a number of groups that were launching such intricately designed engineering crimes were located and brought to justice.

Most of the cases exposed involved duping vulnerable online users and forcing them to transfer cash while making false promises along the way.

Law enforcement authorities were seen raiding a number of call centers that were involved in scams or telecommunications-based frauds. This included schemes being done through telephonic conversations or other digital sources where the suspects thought they wouldn’t be caught.

E-mail scams and their related financial crimes were other highlights that deserve a special mention as suspects continued their illegal practices through such means.

While all the results for the fraud are yet to be determined, the news coming out so far is just a small picture of how big of a crime was being committed. As recently unveiled by Interpol, the operation comprised of planned police raids at about 1800 different locations.

Around 3000 different suspects had been identified with nearly 2000 people involved in fraud and money laundering crimes. These were immediately arrested with a staggering amount of money being seized from their possession. This estimate was calculated to be about $50 million in stolen funds.

These law enforcement companies have revealed elaborate sources of evidence that talk about how detail-oriented these fraud schemes were and how difficult of a challenge it was to target them and put them to rest.

For instance, one particular incident had been provided about cops in Hong Kong and how they managed to raid numerous call centers who had been leading some of the location’s biggest scams through phone calls.

Read next: Phone scammers manage to secure $39.5 Billion by fraud this year

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