Continental Touring exposes booking agent Dustyn Mitchell’s fake promises | #datingscams | #lovescams | #facebookscams

The Continental Touring team has recently issued an apology to bands and individuals who claim to have fallen victim to their former booking agent Dustyn Mitchell.

Allegedly, Mitchell engaged in unethical behaviors, such as accepting payments for services he did not deliver, including adding individuals to the agency roster and promising future tours and Spotify listener growth. 

Upon discovering this misconduct, the Continental Touring team promptly terminated their relationship with Mitchell and made it clear that they do not condone such behavior. Their stated intention in sharing this information is to inform the metal community about these incidents and prevent future scams.

The Continental team would like to extend our apologies to the bands and individuals that have been victims of Dustyn Mitchell. We have been (and are still) repeatedly contacted by several people claiming to having paid initial and monthly retainers to Dustyn. Said payments were made in exchange of “services”, including being added to the agency roster, promises of future tours, raising Spotify listeners, etc. Unfortunately, we found out about this unethical behavior a bit late in the game, and immediately proceeded to firing him.

Please note that we did not intend to post about this, as to not emphasize on the situation. However, we feel that it’s our duty to inform other members of the metal community, and hopefully prevent such scams from happening in the future. This agency does NOT condone such behavior and tactics, and will cease any relationship with anyone who acts as such.

-The Continental Touring team

Over the last few months, Dustyn signed a number of bands through Continental Touring, many of whom made posts proud to be on the roster. It seemed Mitchell was making a big splash, but was signing bands to the roster under false pretenses.

Blood Of Angels congratulated Mitchell on June 20, 2023 for getting hired by Continental Touring:

A lot of bands don’t really mention anything behind the scenes.  A member of our team has made a big accomplishment.  We want to congratulate our friend and booking agent Dustyn Mitchell for getting hired by Continental Touring.  He is a hard working person with impeccable integrity.  Congratulations again Dustyn!

Parthian was excited to join the roster through Mitchell, the band sharing:

We are very excited to announce we are joining forces with Continental Touring for booking.
Continental has a huge lineup of incredible bands, and we’re honored to be mentioned on the same roster as some of our favorite bands of all time. Check out the link in the comments!
We cannot thank everyone enough that helped us get here, mainly our incredible booking agent Dustyn Mitchell – You were the first industry person to believe in us and we are so excited to take this next step with you, brother!

Demon King was excited to hit the road:

We’re excited to announce that we’ve joined Continental Touring’s roster of amazing bands and that we’ll be hitting the road as of the summer of 2024. Big thanks to our agent Dustyn Mitchell ( for the opportunity.

Fleshbound was proud to make the Continental roster:

We are super proud and excited to finally be able to announce that we have joined the Continental Touring roster. To be on the same roster as a lot of our favorite bands/influences is a unbelievable accomplishment for all of us.
Thanks to our manager Dustyn Mitchell for taking us on and working hard to help us get to the next level.

Omenkiller was glad to be picked up by Continental:

It’s with great pleasure that we announce we’ve been picked up by Continental Touring ❤️ we’re now roster mates with legends such as The Faceless Fallujah Deicide Monochromatic Black Autumn Lies Buried Combichrist Casket Robbery Earth Groans and many more amazing acts. We can’t wait to see what doors this opens for us. Couldn’t do this without Dustyn Mitchell behind us. Thank you for believing in us brother. 
Catch us tonight in Portage, Wisconsin on tour with Quiescent Mantis Official and Autumn Lies Buried. Music starts at 5!

Living Hollow was proud to be under Mitchell’s management (not Continental Touring):

This is Living Hollow. 
Moving forward, Dylan will be stepping up as our vocalist. We decided to remain as a 4 piece because we value the relationship we’ve built as a group over the last year together. 
We’re also are happy to announce that we are officially under the management of Dustyn Mitchell and DM Booking and MGMT!
We’re super excited about working with Dustyn, and already have some great things planned. 
Love you all!
-Dylan, Chris, KJ and Ben

Living Hollow also joined the Continental Roster a few days later:

We are happy to announce that we have officially joined the roster at Continental Touring!
The Continental team will help us to bring bigger and better shows to more people, and to help get the Living Hollow name out there. 

We join the ranks of some amazing heavy bands such as The Faceless Fallujah The Zenith Passage and our friends in The Xebellian Triangle.
We are very excited for the future of Living Hollow. 

Eventually, things took a turn, as many of the promises Mitchell made through Continental Touring were not delivered upon, which ultimately lead to his firing. A number of bands expressed their displeasure with the situation:

Ending Orion shared a warning not to work with Mitchell:



We are no longer working with Dustyn Mitchell, or DM Booking and MGMT. Among several other bands, we fell victim to his scams. He never came through on his promise to promote us and book for us, etc. At this point he’s in the wind, but please remember his name and do not let him take advantage of your hard work.

All booking will be done directly through us for the foreseeable future. Please send us a message, or email us at

Renatus stated they were under his management, not Continental Touring:

In light of recent events, we too fell victim to Dustyn Mitchell. A lot of promises were made through his company DM Booking and MGMT. We paid for 6 months of booking, management, and promotion (Spotify, YouTube, and Facebook). All of this fell through. This is unfortunate, because we were ready to tour, start traveling, and get stuff done. Our fans and friends know how hard we’ve been working to this point. Do not feel sorry for us. We ask that you and your friends do not work with him. Also, to continue to call out people who steal from bands and bury those same band’s dreams in this industry. Thank you for the read.

Please share, like (to beat the algorithm), and get this story out!


Damage gave a PSA and a warning:

PSA from Damage

This is a little bit different from what we usually post, but we wanted to address this to help our fellows bands and friends in bands. November of last year we paid Dustyn Mitchell $260 to book shows for us throughout 2023 and we received nothing. And when confronted about this he claimed “family emergencies” and we believed him and gave him a second chance.

This happened in January when he was supposed to already have 3 weekend runs scheduled for the spring. There were several venues we had to contact to tell them we had to cancel shows that we requested the dates for.

Come spring time, Dustyn was supposed to have shows booked for summer, and when confronted about this he had again, claimed “family emergencies.” Getting fed up we had told him that we were cutting the contract and we expected our money back. He then wanted to work out some sort of deal because he had claimed he was “so excited to work with us” and “didn’t want to let us down.” So we told him if he refunds the money we paid and can book one single weekend run, we would consider working with him in the future.

Cut forward 5 months, not a single show, not a single dollar. He proceeded to block Alex on Facebook and Messenger since Alex handles a large majority of our booking, shows, and our business.

So here we are advising, and warning all of our fellow musicians, our fellow bands, and our friends; do not EVER work with Dustyn Mitchell.

Dustyn Mitchell is a liar, a thief, and a coward

Mark of Wrath said they are moving on:

We were lucky enough to cancel our booking services with “DM booking and MGMT” before this came to light. Either way, we’re no longer associated with Dustyn Mitchell and we feel for those who were taken advantage of. People like this don’t belong anywhere near this scene, where those of us dedicated to our passion work tirelessly to fulfill our dreams. For booking please contact!

This Is Me Breathing shared that they will stay with Continental with a new agent:

Due to some recent things coming to light, Dustyn Mitchell is no longer our booking agent.  We are staying with Continental Touring with a new agent!  
Please reach out to Kayla Pugh for any booking inquiries!

Wretched Tongues stated that Continental Touring has offered to continue business with them:

So in light of recent news and events, we are no longer associated with Dustyn Mitchell for booking services. We have no desire to associate with snakes, rats, or people who prey on bands. Thankfully he never got a penny out of us and if he was able to get money from you we sincerely hope it gets rectified and you get reimbursed to some degree. There is absolutely no room in the music scene for people of that character, and we firmly believe that and hope you agree. 
Moving forward, Continental Touring has reached out and offered to continue conducting business with us and has been nothing but incredibly professional as well as timely and direct, which feels rare these days. They have been an absolute pleasure (even in our short time) and under these circumstances, and we truly are thrilled to get the ball rolling with them.
While some of the dust settles we ask for the time being that any booking inquires or for things that were in the works, reach out to us directly via email:
Much love everybody✊🏻

From Those Ashes vocalist/guitarist Aaron Pokoj shared his experience with Mitchell:

I dont want to put too much drama out on the band page, I dont like burning bridges or airing dirty laundry, but From Those Ashes  was also taken advantage of by Dustyn Mitchell and his empty promises. We werent with Continental Touring, we were with DM Booking and MGMT  We paid for about a year and a half of booking and promotions – were promised shows, tours, promo packages, playlist spots, and partnerships with Total Deathcore. We got a grand total of ONE show, no promo (not even a Facebook share of our new album), and when given dates to book a tour were essentially told “nobody wants to book you”. All while constantly being asked for more money.
It’s a frustrating shame, but is what it is.

From Those Ashes stated from their band page:

A few months ago we changed all our contact info for booking from DM Booking and MGMT (he never even invited us to merge with Continental Touring) back to our own email and contact info. We too fell for many empty promises from Dustyn Mitchell
We dont like airing dirty laundry, causing drama, or burning bridges, so we quietly updated our info, and didn’t blast anything. But since many bands are airing grievences, here we are. We paid him for a lot of services we never got. Empty promises through and through.
At this point in time, we are handling booking and promotions directly.
Frustrating, money lost, but it is what it is. On to bigger things.

Dissonant Seepage commented saying they are still on the Continental Touring roster:

We will continue to be on the Continental Touring roster and will not work with Dustyn Mitchell, our former booking agent, who was recently terminated by the company for scamming musicians. Don’t work with this person, and keep him out of the music scene.

If you booked us through him, please contact us directly in the interim as we will be assigned another agent in the next few days.

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